An Opposite View

(Please note this is an opposite view!!)

Do you recognize someone on this list? Just make sure it's not you!  

How to de-motivate members of your “team”

Make the players feel small and stupid.


Pointing out their ignorance will not only get their attention, but it shows them just how smart you are. Remember to demean them with language such as, "I can't believe you don't know how to do this! In your position you should know how to do without being told!"  “I can give that job to a child to do!”


Threaten them!


Nothing is more effective for getting people to jump through hoops. You can be unassuming and say: "If this doesn't improve, I'm going to have to make some changes."   Or, be forceful, if you really want to light a fire under them: "If you can't do this right, maybe I should find someone who can."


Ignore their requests and suggestions.


If their request is petty (and you think most of them are) ignore it altogether, they usually are silly requests. It's the best way to show them just how important and busy you are. If it's a major request, make them wait until you get around to doing it. After all, they need to understand there are far more important things on your "To Do" list than an appeal from a lower-level team member who has no influence over you and your grand life.


Let them know that their complaints are insignificant!


Whatever you do, don't listen to their complaints. They will only come to you and whine more. Wave them away like buzzing gnats, a petty nuisance in your busy day. Their complaints are probably about fairness and respect and having a voice in what happens. which doesn't really count, as much winning the big games and making you look great.  Keep them in their place below you! 


Keep them in the dark – keep all the power.


Players don't need to know very much about what goes on. They will be far more efficient if they just stick to doing their own jobs and don't stick their noses into the your strategy, goals and plans.  It doesn't concern them.  If changes are going to be made, it's better to announce the change rather than involve the team beforehand. It's so much easier to just make the change than to endure everyone's opinions and ideas. That would take far too long and they might want to change your plan.  You’ve been there and know it all!


Don’t give too much praise -- it will go to their heads. 


When they don't know how they're doing, it's easier to keep them under control. You can keep them off balance and wondering if they are any good.  This works especially well with children! That way, they will always be trying to please you and they'll work harder. Besides, if you compliment their work too much, they are going to expect more and then you will need to always praise them.  Better they should praise you!!


Be quick to point out faults and mistakes.


You must be extra vigilant, since most can't be trusted to have high standards like you do. They all want to be like you! Don't spend too much time on the front end of a plan, explaining what you expect, since it's too time consuming. Instead, you can point out everything that's wrong and show them how superior you are.  Don’t teach wait till mistakes are made. 


Don't deal with team conflicts.


Ignore them and hope they can get along like grownups. If you ignore conflicts, they usually go underground, so you don't have to hear about them. If the conflict keeps surfacing, just demand that everyone get along -- or put everyone in a room until they resolve it -- and that should take care of the problem.  Or just let the bullies survive!


Identify your favorites and treat them well. 


This is a great technique for letting people know that if they get on your good side, you'll do some favors for them and they'll get what they want. This creates an incentive for others to bend over backwards to be your pal.


Click here:  A key ingredient for motivation is the skill to motivate yourself.

